TEASIG Associates

Associate organisations

IATEFL has around 70 Associates. An Associate is another Teacher Association that has entered into a mutually beneficial relationship with IATEFL. Increasingly, though, the real benefit of becoming an Associate lies in linking up to a network of teacher associations all over the world, and through this, a network of language educators all over the world.

Here is how this network functions. IATEFL provides the structure, creates a forum for its Associates to communicate. Then it’s up to the Teacher Associations to make the most of this – to use the electronic, printed, and face-to-face mediums for meaningful communication. So if you’re not an Associate, read on to find out what benefits joining might bring to your members, and what ways there are in which YOU and YOUR MEMBERS can reach out to English teachers all over the world. And if you have already become an Associate, please use the existing channels of communication – and let us know if you have any suggestions for changes and improvements.

TEASIG Associates

SAUA/SATE Slovakia http://www.saua-sate.sk/SK/Home_sk.htm

ALC/GELI Cuba http://www.geocities.com/alcgeli/index.html

JALT http://jalt.org/groups/Testing_and_Evaluation

ELTA Serbia & Montenegro http://www.elta.org.yu/conferences.html

TESOL Arabia http://www.tesolarabia.org/sigs/tae/

BelNATE http://www.ir.bsu.by/Teachers/belnate.htm

EgypTesol http://www.egyptesol.org/

ETAS http://www.e-tas.ch/etas/people/list.asp?lPTY_Id=3#SBE

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