Best of TEASIG

Best of TEASIG Volume 2 (2021) contains a selection of articles which were included in TEASIG Newsletters and Conference Proceedings in the years from 2003 to 2011. Various key topics and issues that helped shape testing practice during these years are reflected, many of which are still highly relevant to testing, assessment and evaluation today. We are sure that TEASIG members will enjoy reading this valuable collection from the early years of this millennium, and find the articles interesting, informative and inspiring.

Download an overview of Best of TEASIG Volume 2 here.

TEASIG members can access and download the online book by logging into the IATEFL Members’ Area at and clicking on My Resources.

Best of TEASIG Volume 1 (2019), which covers the years 1992 to 2001, is also available to TEASIG members from the My Resources webpage of the main IATEFL site.

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